
Welcome to the Parents’ Page of the John Hancock Demonstration Schools

Emergency School Closing

When school is closing due to extreme weather conditions, an announcement will be made over various media outlets.  Please check the radio, television stations, the official District’s twitter feed (@PHLschools), and the official website.   The announcement will be “ALL PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED.”  When it is necessary to close school during the school day, radio and television stations will also make announcements.  It will be announced as  “ ALL PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS WILL CLOSE AT (time).”  It is imperative that we have on file current home information, emergency contact numbers and work numbers.  It is also important to review with your child the instructions for what to do in the event that you are not home when he/ she arrives home from school.

Early Dismissals

It is imperative that your child remains in school the entire day. Medical and dental appointments should be made during non-school hours when possible.  We ask that parents avoid signing students out early for appointments as much as possible.

If your child needs to be dismissed early:

  • The student must bring a written note signed by the parents stating the time and reason for the early dismissal.  Parents will then report to the office and sign your child out in the “ Sign-Out Book.”  Your child will then be called to the office.  For the safety and security of your child, no child will be dismissed without an identified adult (over 18 years of age) to accompany them.
  • If a student arrives 2 hours after the start of the school day or leaves 2 hours before the end of the school the student will be marked as half a day unexcused. If a note is provided from a medical professional, the absence can be excused.
  • An early dismissal, will not be permitted 30 minutes before the end of the school day unless in an emergency.

Parent and Family Portal

One way to stay connected to your child’s education and school is through the new Parent and Family Portal.  You can register, resources and step sheets can be found by clicking on the link below.

Parent and Family Portal